Congratulations to our first Random Act of Kindness winner for 2022, Justin! Keep up the great work! #GoHornets! #WeAreFamily
“You can never know the ripple effect you create with one tiny gesture of kindness.” – Elle Sommer
For the 6th consecutive year, The Hornet's Sting received a first-place award from the American Scholastic Association Contest. Congratulations to the entire production on this outstanding accomplishment!
If interested in joining, contact Mrs. Siciliano.
Congratulations to the Park Dance Team for placing first at the Impact Cheer and Dance Challenge this Saturday! Great job girls!
Congratulations to Mrs. Yingling on being named as HP's recipient of the Governor Educator of the Year Award. Kudos to Mrs. Yingling on a job well done and for being an outstanding teacher, mentor, and role model to our students!
Mrs. Apicella displays the Origami Color Scheme Snowflakes that her Introduction to Art class made after studying about colors.
Congratulations to Abby & Genesis, our latest Random Act of Kindness Recipients. #OnceAHornetAlwaysAHornet #KindnessMatters
A Random Act of Kindness is giving your best self to others without requests or promise of return on investment.
Congratulations to Dawson, our November Jets Upstander of the Month! Keep up the great work! Go Hornets! We Are Family! #JetsTackleBullying
@nyjets @STOMPOutBullyng @LoveBethpage
Congratulations to the Hanover Park Golden Hornet Marching Band for ranking in the top 15 bands in Group 2 at the US Bands National Championships this weekend in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The band earned their highest score of the season. #GoHP
Thank you to everyone who supported the Class of 2022's Haunted House! It was a fun night and we were happy to have pulled it off. Thanks to Lisa Mita for these great photos and thanks to all that assisted with this great event!
Hanover Park HS Speech and Debate Team was back in person this weekend after a two-year hiatus. Congratulations to all who participated, and Good Luck the rest of the year!
#CultureWins #Speech #Debate
Congrats to Juliana & Tina, our latest Random Act of Kindness Recipients. #OnceAHornetAlwaysAHornet #KindnessMatters
A Random Act of Kindness is giving your best self to others without requests or promise of return on investment.
Homecoming at HP! Congratulations to our Homecoming King, Queen, and Court!
Congratulations to our Jets Upstander of the week, Abigail H! Keep up the great work! Go Hornets! We Are Family! #JetsTackleBullying @nyjets @STOMPOutBullyng @LoveBethpage
Congratulations to Frankie, our latest Random Act of Kindness Recipient. Great show of school spirit. Keep up the great work! #OnceAHornetAlwaysAHornet #KindnessMatters
The H.I.V.E. program held a Halloween social event today with students from Parsippany HS, Morristown HS, and the Calais School. A great time was had by all attendees!
Congratulations to Michael Farrell, HP's Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership Representative for the 2021-2022 school year! Great job Michael!
Congratulations to Tyler Russell on achieving a milestone of 100 saves in a season! Great job Tyler and keep up the great work in the playoffs!
Congratulations to Alexandra, Iris, Daniel, Pooja, William, & Owen who were recognized as Commended Students in the National Merit Scholarship Program. These 6 students' PSAT scores ranked them among the top 34,000 students nationwide! Congratulations & keep up the great work!
The Hornet's Sting Annual Coffeehouse is back! Come out for a night of entertainment by the students of HP. The cost of admission is $5.00, but that gives you a chance to win one of two Dunkin $10.00 gift cards. The date is Thursday, November 18 at 6:00 pm in the commons. Hope to see you there.
If you are interested in performing, please sign up today by filling out
enclosed google form
The Jets Upstander of the Week program recognizes students who have made a positive impact in our school. This week we recognize Tyler for his outstanding character, work-ethic, & leadership. Keep up the great work Tyler! #JetsTackleBullying @nyjets @STOMPOutBullyng @LoveBethpage