Congratulations to our first Random Act of Kindness winner for 2022, Justin! Keep up the great work! #GoHornets! #WeAreFamily “You can never know the ripple effect you create with one tiny gesture of kindness.” – Elle Sommer
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
Random Act of Kindness
For the 6th consecutive year, The Hornet's Sting received a first-place award from the American Scholastic Association Contest. Congratulations to the entire production on this outstanding accomplishment!  If interested in joining, contact Mrs. Siciliano.
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
Congratulations to the Park Dance Team for placing first at the Impact Cheer and Dance Challenge this Saturday! Great job girls!
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
Dance Team
Congratulations to Mrs. Yingling on being named as HP's recipient of the Governor Educator of the Year Award. Kudos to Mrs. Yingling on a job well done and for being an outstanding teacher, mentor, and role model to our students!
about 3 years ago, Thomas Callanan
Mrs. Apicella displays the Origami Color Scheme Snowflakes that her Introduction to Art class made after studying about colors.
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park High School
Congratulations to Abby & Genesis, our latest Random Act of Kindness Recipients. #OnceAHornetAlwaysAHornet #KindnessMatters A Random Act of Kindness is giving your best self to others without requests or promise of return on investment.
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
Random Act of Kindness
Congratulations to Dawson, our November Jets Upstander of the Month! Keep up the great work! Go Hornets! We Are Family! #JetsTackleBullying @nyjets @STOMPOutBullyng @LoveBethpage
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
Jets Upstander of the Month
Congratulations to the Hanover Park Golden Hornet Marching Band for ranking in the top 15 bands in Group 2 at the US Bands National Championships this weekend in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The band earned their highest score of the season. #GoHP
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
band comp
Thank you to everyone who supported the Class of 2022's Haunted House! It was a fun night and we were happy to have pulled it off. Thanks to Lisa Mita for these great photos and thanks to all that assisted with this great event!
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
HH 1
Hanover Park HS Speech and Debate Team was back in person this weekend after a two-year hiatus. Congratulations to all who participated, and Good Luck the rest of the year! #CultureWins #Speech #Debate
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
Speech & Debate Team
Congrats to Juliana & Tina, our latest Random Act of Kindness Recipients. #OnceAHornetAlwaysAHornet #KindnessMatters A Random Act of Kindness is giving your best self to others without requests or promise of return on investment.
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
Random Act of Kindness
Random Act of Kindness
Homecoming at HP! Congratulations to our Homecoming King, Queen, and Court!
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
Congratulations to our Jets Upstander of the week, Abigail H! Keep up the great work! Go Hornets! We Are Family! #JetsTackleBullying @nyjets @STOMPOutBullyng @LoveBethpage
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
Jets Upstander of the Month
Congratulations to Frankie, our latest Random Act of Kindness Recipient. Great show of school spirit. Keep up the great work! #OnceAHornetAlwaysAHornet #KindnessMatters
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
Random Act of Kindness
The H.I.V.E. program held a Halloween social event today with students from Parsippany HS, Morristown HS, and the Calais School. A great time was had by all attendees!
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
Hive 2
Hive 3
Hive 4
Congratulations to Michael Farrell, HP's Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership Representative for the 2021-2022 school year! Great job Michael!
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
Congratulations to Tyler Russell on achieving a milestone of 100 saves in a season! Great job Tyler and keep up the great work in the playoffs!
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
Russel 1
Russel 2
Congratulations to Alexandra, Iris, Daniel, Pooja, William, & Owen who were recognized as Commended Students in the National Merit Scholarship Program. These 6 students' PSAT scores ranked them among the top 34,000 students nationwide! Congratulations & keep up the great work!
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
national merit
The Hornet's Sting Annual Coffeehouse is back! Come out for a night of entertainment by the students of HP. The cost of admission is $5.00, but that gives you a chance to win one of two Dunkin $10.00 gift cards. The date is Thursday, November 18 at 6:00 pm in the commons. Hope to see you there. If you are interested in performing, please sign up today by filling out enclosed google form
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park High School
Annual Coffeehouse
The Jets Upstander of the Week program recognizes students who have made a positive impact in our school. This week we recognize Tyler for his outstanding character, work-ethic, & leadership. Keep up the great work Tyler! #JetsTackleBullying @nyjets @STOMPOutBullyng @LoveBethpage
about 3 years ago, Hanover Park
NY Jets Upstander of The Week!