Congratulations to Class of 2023 Valedictorian Holden Kim and Class of 2023 Salutatorian Kabir Arora! Holden and Kabir were honored tonight by the Morris County Superintendents Association at a banquet. These two amazing young men have made HP proud!
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park
val sal
Congratulations to Tanvi, our latest Random Act of Kindness Recipient. Keep up the great work! #OnceAHornetAlwaysAHornet #KindnessMatters “You cannot do kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park
What is North Jersey’s best high school musical of 2023? Vote now for your favorite!
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park High School
Congratulations to Ryan Roberts on winning the Stock Market Club Challenge! Keep up the great work!
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park
Stock Market Club
Lots of fun today at the Senior Class Picnic for the Class of 2023! Thanks to all the parents who donated to the picnic and assisted at today's event! The first of many fun events to celebrate the Class of 2023!
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park
picnic 1
picnic 2
picnic 3
Congratulations to the HP Music Department on their outstanding performances this weekend at the Hersheypark Music in the Parks Festival. The Choir earned a 1st Place Trophy with a rating of Excellent and the Band won a 1st Place Trophy with a rating of Superior.
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park
Congratulations to the HP Baseball Team on winning the North II Group II State Sectional Championship today with a 10-0 win over Rutherford. Great job! The team will play in the Group 2 Semifinals on Monday at Pascack Hills. Keep it rolling boys!
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park
June Students of the Month : Ally Huang & Alex Figurelli Congratulations to you both. Keep up the great work!
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park High School
Today,, a national advocate and leader for character in schools and communities certified 177 Promising Practices in schools and organizations nationwide. The Hanover Park Regional High School District is proud to announce that its Kids Helping Kids Program was recognized as one of the Promising Practices. Congratulations to the faculty and students involved in this outstanding program!
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park
The "After the Fire" Assembly Program was held today for the Class of 2023. This powerful program about fire safety and positive choices is presented by Shawn Simons and Alvaro Llanos, two victims of the 2000 Seton Hall dorm fire. Thank you to Shawn and Alvaro for sharing your story and providing our students with insight as they prepare for the next stage in life!
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park
On Thursday, May 25th, Sgt. Robert Holtz and Mrs. Frances Derin, from the American Legion Post #43, presented donations to support the H.P.H.S. Vietnam Memorial Restoration Project. Mrs. Sarno-Granet’s business education students have been giving sales pitches and raising awareness of our three alumni, Frank Murphy, Robert J. Slattery, and Gary J. Allen, all Purple Heart recipients who were killed in action. Monies collected will be used to repair and enhance the three Vietnam Memorials located on campus.
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park High School
Congratulations to Alyssa Alfano for being named Hanover Park's NJSIAA Scholar Athlete! Alyssa was honored at a luncheon this past weekend for her outstanding accomplishments as a standout student athlete at HP! Great job!
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park
Hanover Park Regional High School District recognized as a National District of Character!, a national advocate and leader for character development in schools and communities certified 36 schools and 2 school districts as National Schools and Districts of Character. The Hanover Park Regional High School District is pleased to announce that they have received national recognition as one of the two national districts of character.
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park
Congratulations to our district staff who have been nominated as Governor's Educators of the Year. Mr. Brian Propfe, Mrs. Kristen Lohmann, Mrs. Vanessa Cordiero, and Mr. Pete Sciaino were honored at tonight's BOE meeting. We are proud of these amazing educators and thank them for their service to our students!
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park
Congratulations to Peyton Sward and Jack Lemongello, HP's Morris County Scholar Athletes! Peyton and Jack were honored this evening at a banquet hosted by the Morris County Athletic Directors Association. Great job!
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park
Morris County Scholar
School success starts with attendance! Congratulations to Cory Hueston for Perfect Attendance this year! Keep up the great work! 🐝🏫🎒🐝👏🏆🏅👍🐝 “80% of success is showing up!”
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park
Perfect Attendance
Congratulations to Colleen Sannito on receiving the 2023 NJPSA student leadership scholarship. Colleen was one of 25 students in the state selected for this scholarship! Great job Colleen, your hard work and dedication to HP student activities is greatly appreciated!
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park
Congratulations to the HP Boys Varsity Tennis, who excelled at Morris Open Tennis Tournament! Keep up the great work! 🐝🏆👏🏅🎾🎾🎾🐝 Kfir Katzav- 1st place 2nd singles Odera Orjiekwe -2nd place 3rd singles #LetsGoHornets
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park
Come out and support the HP choir's Spring Vocal Concert on Thursday, May 25 at 7 p.m. It's going to be a great show!
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park
Congratulations to Mr. Spina, Hanover Park HS Teacher of the Year! The connections you make with every student ensure they feel successful, cared for, & part of your music program. Thank you for championing our kids, both inside & outside the classroom. 🎉🐝🎼🎵🎶🎹 #NJSMA #NJMEA
over 1 year ago, Hanover Park