Student Attendance
Daily absences should be reported to the attendance office. Please call 973-887-0300 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. to report an absence.
Board Policy states that a pupil's absence is excused for one of the following reasons:
Absence due to personal illness that is verified by a physician's note. The note shall be submitted on the doctor's letterhead to the attendance office within ten (10) days of the student's return to school.
Absence due to death in the family.
Absence due to approved religious holidays.
Absence due to suspension.
Other absences authorized by the principal with prior approval.
Part day absences may be granted for medical disability, motor vehicle driver's test, college interviews and visits, court appearance, and medical/dental appointments.
Unexcused absence may result in loss of course credit. Pupils missing over sixteen (16) meetings of a full year course, ten (10) meetings of a semester course, or six (6) meetings of a marking period Health/Driver Education course due to absences other than those excused absences provided above will not qualify for credit for the course.
Students tardy to school must report to the attendance office for an admission slip before reporting to class. Unexcused tardiness during the first twenty minutes of class will count as one-half absence; and during the last twenty minutes as one full absence from that class. Continued unexcused tardiness will result in disciplinary action.
In order to participate in any after school activity, a student must be in attendance at school for at least one-half of the scheduled school day.
If you have questions about your son or daughter's attendance, call the Attendance Office at 973-887-0300. A full copy of the Board of Education Policy (JED) concerning pupil attendance is available upon request in the Principal's office.