During the spring of each year, information regarding local scholarships becomes available to seniors. Students receive a "common application" from the counseling office on or around April 1. Students must complete this form by the deadline and return it to the counseling office. The scholarship committee meets each year to determine recipients. Scholarships are awarded at the Senior Awards Program in June.
Seniors are encouraged to apply for as many scholarships as possible and contact their counselor with questions at any time.
If students are interested in applying for additional state and national scholarships, there are several search tools that provide information about a wide range of scholarship opportunities. The following list includes some of the sites we would recommend:
Any questions concerning the local scholarship program should be directed to Mrs. Cara Marucci, scholarship coordinator. She can be reached at 973-887-8137 or
A running list of national and state scholarships that we have been informed about will appear here throughout the year. Click on the link below or check in Naviance for the latest information. Scholarships can be obtained online, through each company or organization, or in the Counseling Office. Please see the description of each scholarship for directions on where to find applications. Contact the Counseling Office at 973-887-8137 if you have any questions.